A common feature of the international schools I have visited is the dedication and expertise of the teaching staff. Students attending these schools enjoy a high teacher-student ratio, intensive EAL programs and pull-out or push-in learning support where necessary. In such a supportive educational environment, students with learning difficulties who would otherwise fail to progress, are able to perform adequately in the classroom setting.
When a student is not progressing despite the intensive input provided for them, an underlying speech or language disorder may be a contributing factor. Establishing the exact nature of the communication difficulty will ensure that appropriate intervention can begin. Children with language-learning difficulties, including those who are second-language English speakers can benefit greatly from specific speech and language skills they acquire when working with a Speech and Language Therapist. These skills usually impact directly on their classroom performance. They are better able to cope with the language demands made of them in academic and social settings.
If your answer to one or more of the following questions is 'Yes', then your student may have a language difficulty that requires intervention:
Does your student need questions and instructions to be repeated more than once?
Does your student have difficulty following more than one simple instruction at a time?
Does your student have difficulty learning new words and concepts?
When your student tells you about a past experience, do you have difficulty following their message because it is vague and disorganized?
Does your student struggle to find specific words to express what he wants to say?
Does your student have difficulty responding appropriately when talking to friends?
Does your student object to reading at home?
Does your student have difficulty writing sentences or stories for homework?
If you are unsure about your student’s speech and language abilities and how they are affecting his or her academic and social performance, feel free to contact me for a consultation at no charge.
Contact Me
Teachers and parents of children with a suspected speech or language delay may contact me, Judith Turiel, for an initial consultation at no charge. Call me at: .
+44 20 3372 4436
Or click here to provide your details and I'll get back to you.