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Children of all ages from preschool to high school can benefit from Speech and Language Therapy via the Internet. Both mother-tongue English speakers and second-language English speakers attend Within Reach online clinic.


Preschool Children

Working with preschool children involves an indirect therapy approach. In this approach goals are carried out mostly through parent-child interaction. Parents become active partners in determining and carrying out specific goals for improving their child’s speech and language skills. They are provided with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to work at home with their child. Weekly meetings via the Internet ensure that they get all the practice and support they need to work effectively with their child.


Primary, Middle and High School Children

Working with primary, middle and high school children involves a direct therapy approach. In this approach the child receives weekly online therapy sessions. Parents are often present during sessions and are given guidelines for reinforcing new skills that are being acquired. To keep children motivated, materials used are adapted to their particular interests. For example, one student loves discussing world records, so the highest mountain, tallest tree, longest bridge and deepest ocean are all part of our weekly sessions. Another is very interested in cartoon characters so they are included in the stories we create.

Contact Me

Teachers and parents of children with a suspected speech or language delay may contact me, Judith Turiel, for an initial consultation at no charge.  Call me at: .

+44 20 3372 4436

Or click here to provide your details and I'll get back to you.

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